50 years and the Travelling Keystone
The worshipful master, Frank Umbers along with three members of Ormskirk Mark Lodge No 734 visited Fermor Mark Lodge No 1113, to witness the celebration of WBro John Frederick Wreyford’s 50 years in Mark Masonry and to give the travelling keystone to the lodge.
The Brethren enjoy the meal at the festive board
The meetings main business was to celebrate WBro John Frederick Wreyford’s 50 years in Mark Masonry. John did not want a formal celebration of his advancement into the Honourable Degree of Mark Master Mason on 7 October 1969. So the lodge secretary Roy Crawford gave a short summary of John’s membership in the Mark and the Craft, saying: “During his tenure in the chair, John advanced three brethren and one joining member.
Roger Watkinson presents John with the Grand Officers Privilege Award
(Given to the member who has contributed the most to Fermor Lodge in the last year)
as Maurice Evans looks on
In 1989 John received preferment in this degree to Past Provincial Grand Senior Overseer. Promotion to Grand Steward followed in 1994 and in 1987 John became Master of Quingenti Lodge of Provincial Grand Stewards in the Craft.
In Mark he received further promotion to Past Grand Junior Deacon.
Regrettably, John Wreyford's service to Fermor Mark Lodge due to his work and responsibilities with his Craft associations were ever increasing and his work and attendance in Fermor Mark was severely affected. However, he retained his membership and his loyalty to Fermor and the Mark degree.
John is presented with his 50th Cake by Stan Martin
John has presented Grand Mark Lodge Certificates to members of Fermor Lodge many times and has delivered the address to the wardens on 14 different occasions.
John served, for a number of years as Vice Chairman of the Fourth Liverpool Group of Lodges, going on in due course to take over as Chairman. In one of the re shuffles of the Craft, John then became Chairman of the Liverpool Sandon Group, spending several years in that office.”
Frank presents the Keystone to Stan
Roy ended his summary saying: “I am not here to recount a litany of all John Wreyfords Masonic accomplishments for there have been many including his contribution to the Southport Lodge of Instruction. Suffice it to say, he has served Freemasonry well and this degree especially over the last 50 years.
On behalf the WM, officers and brethren, congratulations John.” 
John cuts the cake
VWBro Maurice Evans then gave a short talk on John’s Masonic journey, he then presented John with two certificates, one from Mark Grand Lodge and one from Provincial Grand Lodge.
At the festive board Bro Frank Umbers replied to the toast to the visitors, during which he congratulated John on reaching 50 years in Mark Masonry, which he said he had been pleased to be able to attend. He then said: “There is another reason for his visit to Fermor Lodge and that is to pass on the travelling Keystone to Stan Martin (WM of Fermor) which he received on the night of his installation as WM in Ormskirk Mark Lodge No 734 last November.”
Frank advised Stan that the rules of the travelling Keystone say it must be passed on to another Mark Lodge within three weeks! Or pay a £10 fine to Mark Charity, which Frank says he has done!
He conclude by thanking the WM, officers and brethren of Fermor Lodge on behalf of all the visitors for their great hospitality, the good food and friendship.
Words and pictures by Mark Holloway